Forward Lunges
We take a long step forward with our right foot, then we bend both knees and lower ourselves down into the lunge position. Our knees should both be bent to approximately 90 degrees; the shin of the front leg should be in a vertical position. The exercise is carried out two to three times with 8–12 repetitions for each side of the body

Half Squat
Standing, with your feet shoulder width apart, we slowly lower ourselves down towards the bench by sitting the hips back and down and bending the knees. Just before actually siting on the bench we stop moving downwards and tense our leg muscles to return back to standing. We perform the exercise two or three times with 8–12 repetitions.

Rotation in push-up position
Leaning on the backrest of the bench in an erect position, we shift our weight onto our left hand and lift the right arm up, rotating through the spine and shoulders into a side plank position. Then we return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other arm. We perform the exercise two to three times with 8–12 repetitions for each side of the body.

Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull In – easier version
In a sitting position with arms extended (we can hold on to the backrest of the bench), we stretched our legs out in front of us and then we bring the knees in toward our torso. After a pause, we go back to the starting position. The exercise is carried out two to three times with 10–15 repetitions.